Monthly Archives: January 2009

You and your mind are shinning brightly today

Hello my name is, unaccountable for the words I say, and the things I do.

Don’t take it personally, if I leave unexpectedly, I just scare easily… its me not you. 

And hello, whats your name? Is it insecurity, well you’re just a little too familiar to me. 

Never satisfied, so you’ll go door to door…looking for more ways to break me.

      But I need you to put my feet on the ground, don’t you dare ever try to hold me down.

Cause I won’t stay in one place for very long…but I’d wait for you, if you asked me to.

Hello beautiful, yes you and your mind are shinning bright today,

Its inconsistency thats become the life of me,

lets you live again…lets you breathe again.


So this morning I woke up early, and to an empty house. Its saturday, I should sleep until 2 in the afternoon, but no…8 am came with a vengeance, and refused to be ignored. On the other hand, an empty house is never a bad thing. I’m convinced that the world has been off center this week…and I’m not the only one to say that.  But I woke up with a different feel, and since its the week-end, hopefully its the end of this off-centered-ness. My whole point to this meaningless rambling is a  piece I read today from C.S. Lewis…He said that our happiness and purposes should never be dependant on what the future holds.  Well he’s right…it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that small simple point.  Our lives now are what we make of it…whether our little worlds are off center or not. No one else may notice it but us…but those decisions we make up in our minds make all the difference to how we act, feel and see things. Never take on the identity of the currant or past situation. That’s not who you really are, and you know it. The only thing that shapes us are the things we let shape us,  and I don’t feel like waiting to be saved. and I don’t feel like waiting on time for my life to unfold the way its supposed to. Today I am saved, and today I will make life be what it needs to be for this day. That storm that just blew past your window is just that…they come and go all the time don’t they? Especially in the dead of winter.

Hello, my name is…

 I never really felt the need to get a blog or anything in that category, buuut, my cherished notebooks are running out of that blank white stuff, so untill I hit the store… this is my notebook. Today was not so cold, and  I mean that in more ways than one. This afternoon was spent talking and sharing  joy with a friend who’s inner being is full of our God’s complete Peace and Purity. No, our lives are not perfect in any account of that word, but there is an acceptance and contentment in knowing who has control over our lives.  I heard someone say before that  joy is knowing God has control over everything despite the circumstances, and thanking Him for our precious gift of life! I was reminded of that today…and it couldn’t have come at a better time.  Its late and I’m tired….tired of finding comfort in deception. My conscience cannot cease any longer cause it isn’t my own.  

                                     Hello, my name is Joy… 

                                          Whats yours?