Monthly Archives: July 2010

Such as life

My its been quite the year.

Tomorrow is the 19th year of my life, short I know. There has been much growing, much pulling, many tears, lots of laughter, and lots of love. My God has been faithful, and everyday I see his new mercies and how he never lets his children fall.  I feel like I”m pretending most days, like I should be 5 again…but that is not the case. However, I’ve realized there is still so much I don’t know, still so much more growing to do, so much more life to experience.

I have given much away, taken much, broken hearts and mended them, loved and forgiven, walked and crawled. I thank the Lord for having so much patience with me!

Never settle. That has been the theme of my year…so dear friends don’t ever settle for anything less than what you know God has for you! Even if you don’t know…dream. Big and bigger.

What is new?  This summer has been wonderful. Many travels have taken place, new relationships made and old ones made stronger. Work has increased and includes waiting tables along with hosting. I love my early morning customers, the peaceful ones…they sit with their newspapers and sip their coffee, talk about the lovely day, and leave with intentions of returning once again. And the travelers, we have alot in common.

The gypsy roll is still being played, for yet another trip to Tennessee is taking place next weekend, and pictures will be posted this time around.  Speaking of Gypsy, I’ve learned some Hungarian and have seen pictures of my families country…quite tempting I must say!

Anyway, its been a long day, time to unwind.

Tonight the phone is turned off, the coffee is being made, and the music is being played. Empty house and sleeping puppies…ahhh splendid.

I’ll leave you with one of my favorites…

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. -Romans 15:13

Check it out ya’ll.

New addition to the family!

His name is Zebadiah, but you can call him Zeb…he answers to both. This is my new baby, he’s 12 weeks old. His life is a new adventure for my family and I, and for Zeb too! Yesterday he came home and learned how to play ball…

Today he got his first bath, which wasn’t as enjoyable as one would hope. The laundry tub was….difficult. So, he got rinsed off in the shower, but that meant I got a shower too! 🙂

But he is frisky, and sassy, and a bit bossy too. I love him a lot…Wednesday will be the first beach day, so we shall see how he takes to sand, and the big cold lake, and lots of people, which he loves people by the way, and other dogs too!

So he will be my life for the next few weeks. Oh yeah, I have other productive things too like work, which has increased abundantly, and there are those people like family and friends too, yeah they are still in there!

There are many more topics to touch on, but not tonight. Tonight is early sleep, for in about an hour puppy will be cry-opps…there he goes. Bye!