Monthly Archives: April 2010

Barefoot ballerinas and paper flowers.

I should get an award…really I should. For the worst kept blog in the whole wide blog world.

Much has happened, many stories should be told. Right now my mind feels blank. Too many thoughts are swarming to focus, but I”ll try my best.

Today we danced. The littles and I, both barefoot and with slippers…it was precious. I hope they fall in love with worshiping their King through art and movement, there is so much Joy and freedom in doing so…

Paper flowers were made in the wee hours of the night, they are now hanging beautifully in the bedroom. My roommates and I have been inspired to decorate and have as much fun with our place as we can…so off to the store I went tonight and bought fabric. Lots of it! It was cheap, and it was calling my name.  New project for this coming week, hanging fabric on the walls of our bathroom!  Updates will be given, and pictures will probably be taken.

So I miss writing. Hopefully progress will be made as I spend time in Marquette for the weekend.  Working again, and the best will be in town for time to just be. Oh how I love to just be. What are things that spark inspiration? Where are the places I find rest? Its those times of quiet and stillness before the Lord, and with loved ones who just get it.

Uncertainty…I’m finding myself questioning many things. One thing I know for certain is the love of my Heavenly Father. Abba. His word is firm, its my anchor. I’ve asked Him to search my heart…to find any wrong doing in me, to remove it,break and mold me… its been a prayer to find righteousness and wisdom, to be a peacemaker, in most of which I have failed…but my God is full of mercy.

“The mouth of the righteous man utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks what is just. The law of his God is in his heart; his feet do not slip.” Psalm 37:30-31

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them on your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart…” Proverbs 3:3

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.” James 3:17-18

So many more thoughts could be added, but it isn’t necessary. Its time for sleep, looking forward to morning.