Monthly Archives: June 2010

The furry friends.

So tonight I thought it was about time pictures of my furry babies were posted. Especially Niji, who is now 16 and is only on this earth for a little while longer…but she still has plenty of love and life!



Complete with grass on her mouth!

So curious!

And now for my baby…


She’s gorgeous and knows it.


Every now and than on my mind…


Peonies are my favorite.

Found these outside my house today…first time I’ve noticed them this summer and they made my heart smile.  Peony bushes are one of my favorites.

And wildflowers too…

Found the camera!

So yesterday was a “Lets clean the closet day!” and a “Lets paint the front porch floor day!”…except after the first coat of paint, it rained…(thank God for roofs). Anyway, I proudly threw all my high heels into the goodwill box, and other things that were unnecessary to keep anymore. Than lo and behold, in the corner of my closet sat my camera! Let me tell you, this has been a thorough search of my parents house, of my mini apartment in Iron River, of every single bag I own, I’ve looked everywhere… for weeks.  Of course I find it after we get back from Tennessee, but there will be another trip in August, so pics will be put up then. Speaking of TN,  U-turn for Christ is a fantastic discipleship training/rehab program for people who have struggles with addictions, and its amazing to see how God changes lives through His Word, and being wholly devoted to Him.

We were able to experience how God provides EVERYTHING, and were totally blessed by the people we met, and the places we visited. This is my heart, to go out and minister to people through music and build relationships by sharing the Love of Jesus. We are going out again in just over a week, and I can’t wait!

And in honor of finding the camera,

Hot Pink!

I was bored one day and my friend Liz just happened to have a box of fuchsia hair dye at her house! Last summer it was purple…I am a fan of colorful hippies.

May God’s love and peace abound…