Monthly Archives: August 2009

Above all…Love.

Ahhh,  fall is well on its way.  So many new updates to be posted…and I think I’m going to make it a point to keep this up to date more often now.  Many things have changed,  taking this fall off to breathe and just be. A little part of Ireland came to me with a job at an Irish pub and restaurant (no, its not what you think haha), and well God has been using that greatly to stretch me in sharing his word in a loving, and peaceful way.  Sometimes  the rain, celtic music, and noise of the people around me, makes me forget I am in Marquette ;-).  It hasn’t really hit me that things have changed greatly. New relationships have been made, while saying farewell to some very dear ones. It brings me so much joy to know that God keeps his children eternally connected (a phrase I will always use) and that there is never really an end to what God has in store for us.  I’m so excited to be a part of the works of the Lord and to see how his love effect others and to see the change.  Its  tiring some days, and a struggle…who said it wouldn’t be? Well His timing is so sudden, and it takes me by surprise everytime…even when I’m waiting for it.  Its late, and I’m tired…one more day and I am off for the weekend. Than down to the river for a day, for a little renewal.

“Some where over the rainbow, in a world without end…the old river flows down streets of gold to the light of man. Come all you weary travelers and rest your bones…no trouble will be sent my son who comes back home.”