Monthly Archives: December 2009

My confession…I ♥ chickens.

So this is the second day of taking care of a couple horses, some chickens, a rabbit and a cat. I’ve been absolutely loving it and could easily get into this sort of lifestyle! I went into this week thinking that I didn’t like chickens at all… untill yesterday morning.  They are so cool! They talk to you, they’re not that hard to take care of, they give you food…organic eggs (Can’t get any better!) and they’re cute! (Pictures may possibly be posted in the near future) So yeah…slowly but surely, I’ve been turning back into a farm girl once again. I went out to the barn a second time today just to spend time with the horses, there is so much peace in just spending time with them, praying and listening to the birds, feeling so still. 



It’s almost Christmas…can’t believe how fast this year has gone by. So many changes have happened, the Lord has taught me a lot, and has brought in so many blessings.  Pretty much every plan I made this time last year never really went through, God had other ideas. Looking back, I’m so glad He closed those doors, because what I thought was right for me was never what He had planned. I’ve learned to just sit at the edge of my seat and wait for the Lord to say go! Life is much more exciting that way :-).



Ohhh, but to anyone who reads this, I do need your prayers as well. Prayers for strength and wisdom. The past week or so has been getting a bit emotional.  Been missing loves a lot, and its gotten to the point where hearing their voices over the phone creates tears. Dramatic I know…over reacting? Probably. Can I help it? Maybe…but I don’t want to.  But I know that the Lord is good…He is always near, and His love is deeper than words can say.  His joy continues to be my strength daily!

May your heart be filled with peace…

Jazz and brownies

I heart pandora…you type in one artist and get a whole list of fantastic people who make beautiful music. Tonight’s collection is a bit of jazz…and darn it the brownie is gone.  I could go downstairs and get another…but isn’t that a lil too much?

Downtown has been adorned with lights and more lights, its my favorite to be there at night. But, with all this snow and cold comes the need to buy new boots. ugh…yeah, its time to hop in the truck and go to target and find a deal on something cute (and I act like it hurts to say that).

Tonight I was house hunting (No, I’m not buying a house anytime soon…but its fun, try it sometime). I found an old historical farm house with a barn and a windmill!!! Immediately I thought about how much energy  windmill power would save!

The windmill and barn!

So anyway, only about a month more till its time to move my lil’ self over to Iron River…the ministry school is where I’m headed, and I’m so excited! I know the Lord will use that time to teach, stretch, test and equip me and everyone else there for His purpose. Lately God has been reminding me  what respect of leadership looks like, and how that reflects our relationship with Him.  He’s had me in Jeremiah too…and that book is always teaching me something new. Promising to take a people in exile to His blessings and protection if only we follow him!
How easy it is for us to fall into those exiled states…how easy it is to forget who gave us everything we have…but how wonderful to know that He remains faithful through every stage of our human nature.

Well, I was supposed to be working out…that didn’t quite happen…the brownies happened instead. *Sigh*… maybe tomorrow ;-).