Monthly Archives: January 2010

Oregon loves too few, Oregon loves just you.

So today was the essence of peace and joy. Snowshoeing with one of my lovely’s out in God’s beautiful wilderness, and enjoying a warm mocha with my father at my favorite place…dead river. Plus work was surprisingly happy…Oy was there, sitting with her husband and friends. She was right next to me the whole night, asking me silly questions like if she had lettuce in her teeth, and commenting on the all the “boyfriends and girlfriends”  that filled the room.  If you don’t know who I am talking about, Oy makes the best Thai food in town, and has an such a precious spirit about her.  She makes even the most unwanted stranger feel welcome.

Its almost midnight, and I’m making pizza.

It rained today.  Its January.  It was a gray…a peaceful, settling gray.

Rained as in misted…like an average day in Oregon or Seattle. Both places I must return to at some point in my lifetime. Okay, so I haven’t been to Oregon yet, buts its on the list. What else is on the list? Oh lots…but we won’t get into that right now.  So I went into town listening to a song much about my life at the moment. I didn’t even notice until about the 10th time on repeat, that this melody held much more than I realized.

A girl asked me last night at work if I was still dancing. She brought tears to my eyes…I don’t even know her. I told her no…with much hesitation.  Today I  just so happened  to come across this song, with inspiration of movements flooding my mind. I want to dance again…

We cannot forget what holds us together…may we never cut the seams of our being.

For he gives strength to the weary…

Lift your eyes and look to the heavens…who created these?

He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls them each by name.

Because of His great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing…..

Do you now know? Have you not heard? Our God is the everlasting God…the Creator of the ends of the earth.

He will not grow tired or weary, and His  understanding no one can fathom.

He gives strength to the weary…increases the power of the weak.

Hope in the Lord and He will renew your strength.

Taking a break.

Well, I”m back in marquette for a few days. This is the first week of taking the classes at Hebrews,  and I’m loving it! The Lord is teaching me so much, and I am excited to keep on growing. Its a challenging way to grow, as I am with people from the moment I wake up to when I go to bed, but its been enjoyable.

I think that my priorities are changing. Its almost as if God didn’t tell me everything at once because I wouldn’t have been able to accept it all.  What is it you ask? well I will tell you.

This place is my home, always will be my home…its full of peace and beauty and many lost souls. This is a time of growing and serving, and I feel as if sometimes we have to leave our comfort zones in order to do more for the Kingdom on God. Its just a city…its just a lake, but its so much more. Its peace, refuge and rest…not to be taken for granted. But there is a new home. A place where I hear God’s voice calling and the more I listen, the more content I feel in doing his will. Am I running away and never coming back? No way…but things are changing and shifting, and this place is becoming only temporary. I am learning a new love…a love to come here for a short time and enjoy the peace, to re energize and leave.

So that is all for the seriousness of my post. I had to force myself to post once again…whats my deal anyway? …the link of the day. How awesome is it that you can order baby chickens and have them delivered to your doorstep?… Here is another jeweler who uses only recycled metals…and she is local! From marquette and makes absolutely beautiful pieces. These two places have made my internet searching quite the entertaining one.

By the way, living in a coffee shop has been the adventure! Brick walls and loft bunks (perfect), pictures will be posted soon. Yes it is small…but so inviting.

Look both ways before crossing the street…and don’t let go of my hand.

So today God showed himself faithful once again.

What a cloudy mind and time constraint can do to one’s sanity? Alot…and  the outcome is never a positive one.  Well, its the end of a dramatic day, and I am so glad its over. It started out sunshine and rainbows (almost…the sun peeked out for 30 seconds) and it was a wonderful time with a dear old friend who always be a stable ground. We reminisced about our old times…feeling like I was a little girl again, we were only pretending to be living life on our own. But than, it hit me. I’m not kidding…but I was okay…I am living and breathing. Experience to make life stronger, safer and wiser.

Remember when our mom’s would hold our hands and tell us to look both ways before crossing the street? I will never let go of my heavenly Fathers hand…

Part of my life is packed in bags…Sunday is the day.  Excited? Very.

She had a ring…it sparkled…

Its a new year!

Hello 2010!

The new year was brought in with a lock in, best friends, red bull (without the vodka) and lots of prayer and worship throughout the night! It was simply perfect.

Time to start shopping for the “big move” next week! Well, it isn’t so big…but big enough for now. A brick dorm room, in a coffee shop…how awesome is that! Life will be interesting,not that it isn’t already….but there will be more stories to post I”m sure.

My goal is to find everything I need at the cheapest price…time to take a trip to goodwill!

All of my tears and complaints were stilled over the holiday weeks as the ones that were so dearly missed all came back, and of course, life is happy once again.

Seth and I had our first Christmas together tonight, and I hope we have many many more. I got my chicken! (stuffed animal chicken….much easier to take care of) 🙂 We ate soup, chocolate, played our music and watched house…it was lovely, and as always, too short.

Got my first tattoo….

I was scared!!!

But it wasn't that bad afterall...

Ahava….unconditional love, and the olive branch is peace.

1st peter 4:8 – “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins…”

Matthew 5:9- “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.”

Wit that being said…

Much love.