Monthly Archives: December 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!

Yes, I’m aware its no longer…but I hope you had a lovely one.  It was a special time with family, celebrating our Saviors birth.

I feel the urge to post pictures…but its late, and my tea is starting to get cold. That means its time for bed…

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight.




Once again I’ve let this sorry state of a blog go for so long I feel like I need to get on my hands and knees and start pulling up all the rocks and weeds. I’ve been moving, growing, running, and now I’m waiting. There has been so much happening in the past couple months, but guess what? I don’t even dare to share half of it with you. Its important, but too much to get into. Positive notes. Okay, lets start there.  For  7 weeks, we (meaning the Tribe of Judah) had been on the road. It was amazing…truly.  We teamed up with a few ministries such as The Clark Family, U-Turn, and Men As Trees Walking to put on events called the Harvest Gathering. Weekends of free  music, food and fellowship for the community, all to show the Love of Christ, and to give hope to the hopeless. Along with connecting up with great people all over Indiana, the Carolina’s, Tennessee, Florida, Texas and Lousiana, (forgive me for forgetting any…) we were able to serve one another and the communities we were in, and the Lord provided every single need, every step of the way. Here you go…click on that link and watch some of our videos. I bet you’ll enjoy at least one or two of em 🙂

I played my gypsy part well…it runs in my blood, and I’m not one bit ashamed. Feels good to be home, but I know I will be itching to get back on the road very soon. For now its time for family and close friends, time to rest and time to be rejuvenated. My heart is heavy over a number of things, prayer is always appreciated. I feel like a whole new wave of things will be happening soon, but for now the Lord is teaching me to just trust in Him and sit at His feet. There is no better place to be…He is my first love, and I’m returning to him daily.

So there you go…semi short and sweet. Rather vague I know…but it will have to do for now.

Sweet dreams.